
Mengapa Harus Sekolah Kristen Kalam Kudus Surakarta?

Pendidikan terbaik untuk putra / putri kita haruslah direncanakan secara matang sejak jauh-jauh hari. Mari rencanakan bersama Sekolah Kristen Kalam Kudus Surakarta.

Bible Based Integration

SKKK Surakarta menerapkan Bible Base Integration dalam setiap pembelajaran

Pendidikan Karakter

SKKK Surakarta menerapkan pendidikan karakter berbasis Christ Like Character

Pembinaan Kerohanian

Pembinaan Kerohanian dengan kegiatan kreatif di tiap jenjang: Vacation Bible School, Boys Brigade, Basilea Discipleship Camp

Pembelajaran Berkualitas

Memberikan Pengetahuan Yang Berkualitas Kepada Peserta Didik Sesuai Tuntutan Perkembangan Jaman

Beragam Ekstrakurikuler

Ekstrakurikuler: Sinematografi, Fotografi, Teater, Literasi, Olahraga, Musik, dan masih banyak lainnya

KK Go Digital

Pembelajaran Berbasis Teknologi (Google Suite, Moodle, Microsoft Teams)

Teacher, Student, Parent collaboration

Teacher, Student, Parent collaboration

Sed congue ut arcu eu feugiat. Vivamus ornare ipsum dui, quis tincidunt felis dictum vel. Ut tempor metus sit amet dui sollicitudin, porttitor molestie ante dignissim. Vestibulum ex nisi, molestie sed dolor et, sodales viverra odio.

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Our extensive demo includes course website front, student account, course instructor panel and administrator panel. Browse them all to experience premium features of templates.

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You will get a lot of benefits and can save more money.

The benefits you will get if you choose us
Modern and Fresh Design System
Save Money, Cheap with Best Quality
Easy Customize
We have everything you need

We have everything you need

Sed congue ut arcu eu feugiat. Vivamus ornare ipsum dui, quis tincidunt felis dictum vel. Ut tempor metus sit amet dui sollicitudin, porttitor molestie ante dignissim. Vestibulum ex nisi, molestie sed dolor et, sodales viverra odio.

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Our Pricing Package

Please select our service package according to your needs, we will serve and you will get support.

Rp 100.000
  • 3 License
  • Best Features
  • Documentation
  • Support Update
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Rp 300.000
  • 7 License
  • Best Features
  • Documentation
  • Support Update
  • All Features
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Rp 500.000
  • 15 License
  • All Support
  • Documentation
  • Support Update
  • Full Customize
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They are satisfied customers with our service.

Blanter Customer

Excellent, excellent work, friendly service and the results are quite satisfying, I highly recommend this template, thank you for your service.

Blanter Customer

Excellent, excellent work, friendly service and the results are quite satisfying, I highly recommend this template, thank you for your service.

Blanter Customer

Excellent, excellent work, friendly service and the results are quite satisfying, I highly recommend this template, thank you for your service.

Blanter Customer

Good, good work, friendly service and the results are quite satisfying, I highly recommend this template, thank you for your service.

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Rp 100.000
This is Product 2
Rp 250.000
Rp 500.000
This is Product 3
Rp 500.000


The answer of your question may be here.

Blogger is an American blog-publishing service that allows multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. It was developed by Pyra Labs, which was bought by Google in 2003. The blogs are hosted by Google and generally accessed from a subdomain of Blogs can also be served from a custom domain owned by the user (like by using DNS facilities to direct a domain to Google's servers.
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus eget elementum nibh. Mauris ultrices, arcu et sollicitudin volutpat, massa nisl aliquet leo, non ornare nulla libero in metus. Integer et enim a lacus convallis dapibus.
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